A Maker’s Diary

If you've known me for long enough, you know I love to create, design, learn, and challenge myself to new things. Back in 2010, I started a blog. It was more of a journal where I dumped thoughts and shared a lot about what God was doing in my life. I got married, moved across country from Kentucky to Dallas, and experienced so many new things that still to this day keep shaping who I am today. In 2016, I deleted the blog and kept my thoughts tucked away in my personal handwritten journals.

This time I'm starting over—but journaling more from a creative place. I miss writing and expressing myself through words. I want to be able to share what I'm currently working on creatively and be able to be an open book about the things I'm learning so you can learn as well along with me. This will be my creative diary.

I have no secrets as far as the knowledge I've learned over the years. I feel very strongly about not having competition in this world. We all need each other and I believe that with all of my heart. You and I may be good at THE EXACT SAME THINGS, but if you put me in a room and you in another I guarantee we would explain things differently, use different metaphors to teach, and have a completely different audience.

As many of you know, my ultimate goal is to become licensed as a designer and see my designs out for the world to see. This little space will document my journey and the projects I'm working on/learning from. It won't be a place of me trying to be someone I'm not or a place where I put all these ads/links to make money, but simply a place where you can come and learn along side of me. I truly believe that we all have a story to tell and all of ours stories are special and unique in their own way.

xo, barb

P.S. My social handle name…because I feel like I always need to explain this. I am from Brazil, but I’ve lived in the states now for 22 years. It's still a huge part of my life and story. In Brazil, the nickname for Barbara is Babi (bah-bee) and all my close family + friends still call me that to this day which is why my social handles are all @BabiHarris.


My First Attempt with “Tissue Paper” Pattern #M8090